Tried & True
New to our collection? Try these customer favorites!
Featured in: BETTER HOMES & GARDEN Dec'23,
GARDEN & GUN Valentine's Day Feb'20
Featured in: BETTER HOMES & GARDEN Dec'23,
GARDEN & GUN Valentine's Day Feb'20
Featured in: BETTER HOMES & GARDEN Dec'23,
GARDEN & GUN Valentine's Day Feb'20
Best as gifts at Events/ Weddings or Spa item.
Case size of 60, mix-n-match
Featured in NY MAG, BOBBY BERK '20 Gift Guide and GQ's "Gift Ideas for the 31 Most-Impossible-to-Shop-For People in Your Life"
Inspired by the intricate patterns of marble and stone chips embedded in the concrete create a mesmerizing mosaic.
Best as gifts at Events/ Weddings or Spa item.
Case size of 60, mix-n-match
Essential oils of Cedarwood, Pine, and Peppermint